The third course in the CCNAV7 curriculum, Computer Networking III describes the architectures and considerations related to designing, securing, operating, and troubleshooting enterprise networks. This course covers wide area network (WAN) technologies and quality of service (QoS) mechanisms used for secure remote access. ENSA also introduces virtualization, software-defined networking, and automation concepts that support the digitalization of networks. Students learn how to configure and troubleshoot enterprise networks. They learn how to identify cybersecurity threats and protect consumers against these threats. They gain a basic understanding of network-management tools and learn key concepts of software-defined networking, including controller-based architectures and the way application programming interfaces (APIs) enable network automation. (Prerequisite: IST153W)
Berlin (Main Campus)
2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570
Littleton Academic Center
646 Union Street
Littleton, NH 03561