Computer Networking II

The second course in the CCNAV7 curriculum, Computer Networking II focuses on switching technologies and router operations that support small-to-medium business networks and include wireless local area networks (WLANs) and […]

Computer Networking IV

The interconnection of previously unconnected devices to the Internet and analysis of the data generated by these devices are having a transformational effect on industry around the world. IoT is […]

Computer Networking III

The third course in the CCNAV7 curriculum, Computer Networking III describes the architectures and considerations related to designing, securing, operating, and troubleshooting enterprise networks. This course covers wide area network […]

SQL Databases

SQL Databases provides students with a comprehensive understanding of SQL databases using MySQL. Throughout the course, students learn the fundamental concepts and principles of structured query language (SQL) and the […]

Computer Security

Computer Security covers the material in CompTIA’s Security+ and helps students prepare for certification. Using TestOut’s industry leading training, simulation, and assessment package, it offers in-depth exposure to the core […]


Cybersecurity is designed for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their ability to protect their organization from cybersecurity threats. It focuses on using behavioral analytics to identify vulnerabilities and threats, […]

IT Internship

Degree candidates in the IT Program undertake an onsite learning opportunity of no fewer than 40 hours of onsite work (with or without compensation). They do this internship with a […]

Computer Networking I

Computer Networking I covers the material in CompTIA’s Network+ andhelps students prepare for certification. Using TestOut’s industry leading training, simulation, and assessment package, it allows in-depth exposure to troubleshooting, configuring, […]

Introduction to Programming

Introduction to Programming introduces students to programming using current programming software. Providing an introduction to the theories and concepts of computer programming, the course includes loops, arrays, strings, data structures, […]

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming expands a student’s knowledge of the structure and flow of object-oriented programming. Students learn more involved aspects such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. By the end of […]

Linux Essentials

Linux Essentials covers the material in CompTIA’s Linux+ and helps students prepare for certification. Using TestOut’s industry leading training, simulation, and assessment package, it offers in-depth exposure to the competencies […]

IT Essentials

Based on the curriculum of Cisco Systems IT Essentials I, IT Essentials exposes students to computer hardware and operating systems. Students learn the functionality of hardware and software components, as […]