Drawing with Color

In Drawing with Color, students learn the elements and principles of art and design using color. A hands-on approach, the course exposes students to the science and psychology of color […]

Introduction to Philosophy (The Examined Life)

Introduction to Philosophy traces the history of Western philosophy from its beginnings in ancient Greece to contemporary developments in the modern world. The course treats philosophy as distinct from religion […]

Critical Thinking Seminar

In Critical Thinking Seminar, students are immersed in a process that encourages them to practice and value objective inquiry over subjective preconceptions. By careful examination of their own thinking processes […]

World Religions

World Religions is an introduction to the history and worldviews of the major world religions. It takes a comparative approach to present common elements of all religious traditions: rituals, symbols, […]

Legal and Ethical Issues

Legal and Ethical Issues introduces concepts of ethics from their origin in antiquity to their application in today’s world. The course explores morality, moral values, and the codification of these […]

World Music Drumming

World Music Drumming offers a fundamental approach to world music drumming primarily based on the traditions of West Africa and the Caribbean Islands. Students play tubanos, djembes, shekeres, and other […]

French II

A continuation of LANG183W, French II emphasizes at a higher level the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and provides further insight and context into French culture.

French I

Open to students with little or no prior experience in French, French I emphasizes the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and provides insight and context […]

Spanish II

A continuation of LANG181W, Spanish II involves intensive oral practice, combined with the study of grammar and composition. Students also read basic Spanish texts.

Spanish I

Spanish I develops the students’ fundamental ability to both comprehend and converse in Spanish. It introduces early reading and writing skills and acquaints students with the customs and cultures of […]

Science Fiction and Philosophy

Science Fiction and Philosophy is for students seeking to open their minds to new possibilities in philosophy. The course uses science fiction as a genre to explore ideas students may […]

Philosophy for Modern Times

Philosophy for Modern Times addresses several of the “big questions” that preoccupy philosophical inquiry: the existence of God, the meaning of life, the nature of truth, the limits of knowledge, […]