Finally, you can acquire the best professional development in webinar design, presentations, planning, and marketing. Webinars are a popular format for delivering information. They can be very successful for your organization, IF you have good webinar presentations and good management and marketing. Discover the power of successful webinars for your business organization. Then learn the four key strategies to make your webinars more successful. Acquire techniques and tips that will make your webinars winners with your audiences. Then acquire the webinar planning skills involved in budgeting, pricing, and marketing webinar meetings. Take back a certificate in designing webinars that provides you with the latest and best information about presenting webinars, as well as managing and marketing them. You will be learning from two of the foremost authorities on webinars.…
Berlin (Main Campus)
2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570
Littleton Academic Center
646 Union Street
Littleton, NH 03561