WMCC and the North Country Health Consortium are pleased to announce the fifth annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics camp with a Health Career Twist (STEM-Health). STEM-Health Camp, designed for students entering grades 6 through 8, provides hands-on, fun-filled activities that are meant to be introductory, interactive, and project-based in the areas of science, technoology, engineering, mathematics, and health professions. Some of the activities planned for this year’s camp include Rocket Building, Catapult Building, Bridge Building, Veterinary Medicine, Fresh Water Science, Dentistry and much more.
A student who attended the 2015 STEM camp said, “STEM camp is really fun because you learn and participate in many fields and activities!” Another attendee said “I will tell my friends that STEM camp is a great way to have fun and learn about health.” And, “It is not only health but also a lot of sceince.” Parents commented, “My child really enjoyed everything it has to offer. I feel he got a good look at different areas of science and technology” Still another parent stated, “She loved it! She wished it was the entire summer. She really enjoyed meeting new people.” A student who attended previous camps said, “STEM camp is really fun because you learn and participate in many fields and activities.”
STEM-Health Camp will run for one week, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm
June 20 thorugh June 24, 2016
The WMCC STEM-Health Camp is an outreach program supported by the New Hampshire Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NH EPSCoR), the New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium, the Northern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center, the Community College of New Hampshire Foundation, and the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Camp tuition is $279 with scholarships available upon request. Acceptance and scholarship will be awarded on a first-come basis, and there is room for 5 more students!
White Mountains Community College will also be hosting a Creator Camp July 18 through July 22 for students entering grades 9 through 11. At the Creator Camp, campers will complete hands-on exercises to design and build a product while learning about advanced manufacturing and entrepreneurship. Camp tuition is $179 with scholarships available upon request.
Registration materials and information can be obtained on the WMCC website at www.wmcc.edu or by contacting Tamara Roberge, Project Manager, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 603-342-3062. We encourage early registration.
Berlin (Main Campus)
2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570
Littleton Academic Center
646 Union Street
Littleton, NH 03561