Substitute Teacher Preparation
To be a substitute today it takes student respect, skills and a portfolio of ideas and workable presentations. You may get the first call but the successful substitute gets the […]
Social Media and Online Tools for K-12 Teachers
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, it seems everyone, including your students, talk about ways the Internet lets them stay in touch and see what others are doing. Since many of your students […]
Certificate in Learning Styles
New research and information is coming out frequently now about how your learners – and you – learn. Here’s what we know. In the last century, you taught everyone equally […]
Certificate in Teaching Adults
This is your invitation to teach others in-person and join in one of the more important functions in life – passing on knowledge and skills to others. It is both […]
Certificate in Designing Webinars
Finally, you can acquire the best professional development in webinar design, presentations, planning, and marketing. Webinars are a popular format for delivering information. They can be very successful for your […]
Certificate in Online Teaching
For those new to teaching online, or those already teaching online. Get the best instruction from the foremost authorities in online learning. Thousands of people have taken this fundamental yet […]
Programming for Non Programmers Certificate
With virtually every organization now involved or even dependent on programming, managing or working with programmers is now an important part of your toolkit. If you wish to communicate technically […]
Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace
Must-have skills to succeed in the workplace include the ability to create, edit and manage presentations in MS PowerPoint, documents in MS Word, email and calendars in MS Outlook, and […]
Coding Certificate
Coding is becoming one of the most in-demand skills in the workplace today. As a result, coding has become a core skill that bolsters one’s chances for becoming a higher […]
Graphic Design Software Essentials Certificate
The Adobe software tools are the leading software for graphic design. Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard computer illustration software. Use Illustrator to draw shapes and design logos, flyers, posters, […]
Certificate in Mastering Excel
A must-have skill to succeed in business, whether an entrepreneur or a valued employee, is the ability to create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is the most used spreadsheet […]
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controls (Pearson)
The Introduction to Programmable Logic Controls course introduces students to the history and development of Programmable Logic Controls. This self-paced online course explores the main parts of a PLC system, including […]