Restore order to your classroom and establish a positive school culture with Talking Circles.  This evidence-based intervention builds communities that foster social capital and creates a structure to repair the harm that impacts individuals within that community.  Grounded in indigenous ways, Talking Circles have the opportunity to subvert the power structures within the punitive discipline model, and reestablish a communal approach that supports our students as 21st Century learners.!-Talking-Circles:-A-Res…

Using Cell Phones in the Classroom
Class, turn your cell phones – – on!  Most of your students have cell phones, and now you can use this valuable tool in your classroom to engage and involve your students more in their learning. Discover how to implement cell phones in your classroom from a teacher who has done it successfully. Come away with a step-by-step how-to plan on enhancing your students’ learning, and your teaching. For more information and registration:…